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Selección de la reducción de la dimensionalidad con Pipeline y GridSearchCV¶
Este ejemplo construye un pipeline que realiza una reducción de la dimensionalidad seguida de una predicción con un clasificador de vectores de soporte. Demuestra el uso de GridSearchCV
y Pipeline
para optimizar diferentes clases de estimadores en una sola ejecución de CV – las reducciones de dimensionalidad no supervisadas PCA
se comparan con la selección de características univariantes durante la búsqueda en cuadrícula.
Además, Pipeline
puede ser instanciado con el argumento memory
para memorizar los transformadores dentro del pipeline, evitando ajustar de nuevo los mismos transformadores una y otra vez.
Nota que el uso de memory
para permitir el almacenamiento en caché se vuelve interesante cuando el ajuste de un transformador es costoso.
# %% Ilustración de Pipeline
y GridSearchCV
Esta sección ilustra el uso de un Pipeline
con GridSearchCV
# Authors: Robert McGibbon, Joel Nothman, Guillaume Lemaitre
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, NMF
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2
pipe = Pipeline([
# the reduce_dim stage is populated by the param_grid
('reduce_dim', 'passthrough'),
('classify', LinearSVC(dual=False, max_iter=10000))
C_OPTIONS = [1, 10, 100, 1000]
param_grid = [
'reduce_dim': [PCA(iterated_power=7), NMF()],
'reduce_dim__n_components': N_FEATURES_OPTIONS,
'classify__C': C_OPTIONS
'reduce_dim': [SelectKBest(chi2)],
'reduce_dim__k': N_FEATURES_OPTIONS,
'classify__C': C_OPTIONS
reducer_labels = ['PCA', 'NMF', 'KBest(chi2)']
grid = GridSearchCV(pipe, n_jobs=1, param_grid=param_grid)
X, y = load_digits(return_X_y=True), y)
mean_scores = np.array(grid.cv_results_['mean_test_score'])
# scores are in the order of param_grid iteration, which is alphabetical
mean_scores = mean_scores.reshape(len(C_OPTIONS), -1, len(N_FEATURES_OPTIONS))
# select score for best C
mean_scores = mean_scores.max(axis=0)
bar_offsets = (np.arange(len(N_FEATURES_OPTIONS)) *
(len(reducer_labels) + 1) + .5)
COLORS = 'bgrcmyk'
for i, (label, reducer_scores) in enumerate(zip(reducer_labels, mean_scores)): + i, reducer_scores, label=label, color=COLORS[i])
plt.title("Comparing feature reduction techniques")
plt.xlabel('Reduced number of features')
plt.xticks(bar_offsets + len(reducer_labels) / 2, N_FEATURES_OPTIONS)
plt.ylabel('Digit classification accuracy')
plt.ylim((0, 1))
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
/home/mapologo/miniconda3/envs/sklearn/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.24.1-py3.9-linux-x86_64.egg/sklearn/decomposition/ FutureWarning: The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and n_components is less than n_samples and n_features, will be changed from 'nndsvd' to 'nndsvda' in 1.1 (renaming of 0.26).
warnings.warn(("The 'init' value, when 'init=None' and "
Almacenamiento en caché de transformadores dentro de un Pipeline
A veces merece la pena almacenar el estado de un transformador concreto, ya que podría volver a utilizarse. El uso de un pipeline en
provoca este tipo de situaciones. Por lo tanto, utilizamos el argumentomemory
para habilitar el almacenamiento en caché.Advertencia
Ten en cuenta que este ejemplo es, sin embargo, sólo una ilustración, ya que para este caso específico el ajuste de PCA no es necesariamente más lento que la carga de la caché. Por lo tanto, utiliza el parámetro del constructor
cuando el ajuste de un transformador sea costoso.
from joblib import Memory
from shutil import rmtree
# Create a temporary folder to store the transformers of the pipeline
location = 'cachedir'
memory = Memory(location=location, verbose=10)
cached_pipe = Pipeline([('reduce_dim', PCA()),
('classify', LinearSVC(dual=False, max_iter=10000))],
# This time, a cached pipeline will be used within the grid search
# Delete the temporary cache before exiting
El ajuste del PCA
sólo se calcula al evaluar la primera configuración del parámetro C
del clasificador LinearSVC
. Las demás configuraciones de C
provocarán la carga de los datos del estimador PCA
en caché, lo que permitirá ahorrar tiempo de procesamiento. Por lo tanto, el uso de la caché del pipeline utilizando la memory
es muy beneficioso cuando la adaptación de un transformador es costosa.
Tiempo total de ejecución del script: ( 0 minutos 11.800 segundos)